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Purpose A DKIM_CBSTAT is a return value from a callback provided to the libopendkim functions.
Possible Values
  • DKIM_CBSTAT_CONTINUE -- continue normal operation
  • DKIM_CBSTAT_ERROR -- callback encountered an error
  • DKIM_CBSTAT_NOTFOUND -- record not found
  • DKIM_CBSTAT_REJECT -- request message rejection
  • DKIM_CBSTAT_TRYAGAIN -- the callback isn't ready to complete at this time
  • DKIM_CBSTAT_DEFAULT -- bypass the callback and apply default handling
  • DKIM_CBSTAT_CONTINUE should be returned by the callback on normal successful completion, indicating to library that normal operation should proceed
  • DKIM_CBSTAT_REJECT should be returned by the callback if the callback is able to determine that the message should be rejected; this will cause the library function which used the callback to return DKIM_STAT_CBREJECT
  • DKIM_CBSTAT_TRYAGAIN should be returned by the callback if the callback is unable to process the message at this time but a later attempt might succeed; this causes the library function which used the callback to return DKIM_STAT_CBTRYAGAIN, and the caller can re-attempt that call later
  • DKIM_CBSTAT_NOTFOUND should be returned by the callback if the record being sought was not found
  • DKIM_CBSTAT_ERROR should be returned by the callback if the attempt to retrieve the requested record returned in some kind of error
  • DKIM_CBSTAT_DEFAULT should be returned by the callback if it does not wish to return a result and instead wants the library to proceed as if the callback were not configured

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